Health & Wellbeing

AFL Clubhelp - Concussions
Head impacts can be associated with serious and potentially fatal brain injuries. Concussion is caused by trauma to the brain and when the forces transmitted to the brain are high enough, they can injure or "stun" the nerves and affect the way in which the brain functions.
It is important that the brain is given an appropriate period of time to recover and that a phased recovery process is followed to decrease the likelihood of any long-term impact from the concussion. Our previous concussion guidelines were released in 2017 and have now been updated based on the latest research, medical advice and consultation.
Read the FAQ's by Clicking Here and for more information on the Concussion Management Guidelines follow the link below:

Sons of the West
Sons of the West is a FREE health program for men aged 18 and over living, working and recreating in Victoria’s west.
First held in Ballarat in 2016, the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation has again partnered with Ballarat Council and Sports Central to deliver the Sons of the West program this year.
The ten-week program aims to improve men’s health and wellbeing through a series of workshops, presentations, events and experiences. Each week the program runs for about two hours. In the first hour, you will have the chance to hear from guest presenters about different men’s health topics. In the second hour, we get out and do some fun and group-based exercise.
Catch up with other men in your community, get healthy and pick up some free stuff while you’re doing it. It doesn’t get much better than this!
Date: Commencing Wednesday 17th March
Venue: Phoenix P-12 Community College – Sebastopol Campus – Hertford Street, Sebastopol
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
To register click here: